Regional   Atmospheric   Soaring   Prediction
For Black Forest, CO
Using a locally-run WRF model with 4 km horizontal resolution and 52 vertical levels
BLIPMAPTM = Boundary Layer Information Prediction MAP
Created by Dr. John W. (Jack) Glendening, Meteorologist 

Local Model Run by Dave Leonard

These forecasts are new and untested.  I will be making adjustments to improve them, with the goal of seeing if they can prove useful to soaring pilots. I’ll run this mostly on the weekends to support my flying for awhile. If it turns out to be useful enough, I’ll have to get a dedicated computer to run it more frequently. There will likely be changes in coverage and forecast times. Feedback is encouraged to Dr Jack through the RASP Forum or to Dave Leonard if its about problems with this website.

1500 MST 4km forecasts are available around 1100Z (4:00AM MST)

The 4km forecasts result from model initializations with 06Z data.  Each update simply overwrites the previous forecast, so while the model is still running two different forecast times can have different dates - please check the forecast dates at the top of each plot for currency

NEW! Front Range Univiewer (alternate view of same maps)















Thermal Parameters:










Thermal Updraft Velocity & B/S Ratio

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

Thermal Updraft Velocity  (W*)

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

Buoyancy/Shear Ratio

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

Height of Critical Updraft Strength  (Hcrit)

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

Depth of Critical Updraft Strength  (AGL Hcrit)

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

BL Top

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

BL Depth

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

Thermal Height Uncertainty

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

Sfc. Sun

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

Sfc. Temperature

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

Wind Parameters:










Sfc. Wind

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

BL Avg. Wind

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

Wind at BL Top

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

BL Wind Shear

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

BL Max. Up/Down (Convergence)

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

Cloud Parameters:










Cu Potential

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

Cu Cloudbase (Sfc.LCL) [MSL]

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

Cu Cloudbase where CuPotential>0

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

Overdevelopment Potential

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

Overdevelopment Cloudbase (Sfc.LCL) [MSL]

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

BL Overdevelopment Base where ODPotential>0

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

BL Cloud Cover

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

Sfc. Dew Point Temperature

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

Wave/Upper-Level Parameters:










Vertical Velocity at 700mb

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

Vertical Velocity at 500mb

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

Vert.Velocity Slice at Vert.Vel.Max

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST











Black Forest
(Sounding 1)

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

(Sounding 2)

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

Owl Canyon
(Sounding 3)

1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST


1100 MST

1300 MST

1500 MST

1700 MST

The Univiewer has access to the old smaller area Colorado forecast, as well as other forecasts from time to time.